Scribble made with lines, curl noise and some post-processing (different blend modes, levels and gamma correction, FXAA, vignette and noise).
Built with three.js, Perlin noise from noisejs, Maf.js and dat.gui.
Code available on GitHub.
ThereĀ“s commented code for a particle system and to use THREE.MeshLine instead of THREE.Line.
Play with the params:
- stepSize: the speed at which the line advances through the flow field: lower is straigther, higher is curlier.
- initialSpread: how spread are the starting points of each line.
- randomness: add random jitter to the lines.
- toSphere: contains the lines into the surface of a sphere.
- inverse: toggle color palettes.
And then press generate to create a new scribble based on the current params.
Press randomize to randomize params.