Whirly Bonfire
A digital whirlwind of sparky particles.
Each particle is made of 4 triangles, two for the streak body and two for the caps. The triangles are aligned along the motion vector and billboarded on screen space. Particle motion follows a curl of perlin noise. Rendering is finished with some RGB shift, noise and vignette.
Built with three.js, GLSL code for curl noise from flow by David Li, Maf.js and dat.gui.
Code available on GitHub.
Play with the params:
- scale: changes the size of the particles.
- taper: changes the particles shapes from rectangular to tapered.
- opacity: opacity of the particles.
- dimFar: controls attenuation of color in the distance.
- range: controls how many particles to draw.
- colorise: turn it on to have HSV colours.
- wireframe: turn it on to see how the particle are made.
- spread: how far apart particles are spawned.
- decay: how fast particles die.
- speed: how fast they move through the field.
- persistence: how long the streaks are along the field.
- animate: turn it off to stop the simulation.